Wednesday 26 May 2021

Urgent Action!

The Fourth Squadron of Pfanenstiel's hussars deploys into line, preparatory to action.  As soon as the enemy appear from behind the wood to their front, they intend to apply a vigorous charge. As hussars, of course, they don't tend to think too hard about alternative options. With the enemy also being composed of hussars, all the signs are that the situation on this part of the battlefield will soon degenerate into a typical hussar-on-hussar brawl - a combat with the finesse of two groups of honey-badgers clashing at a free bar.

Frustratingly, however, the enemy seem to have been seized with an unhussar-like caution. Zchtiffi's squadron dismounts and begins to advance into the woods. Although Pfanenstiel doesn't know it, the Gelderlanders intend to line the edge of the wood and confine themselves to taking pot-shots at a distance.

In Schrote itself, the main event begins. First and Third of Pfanenstiel's squadrons quit the cover of their houses, and run forwards towards the town hall. Inside the building is Colonel Kluck and his grenadiers; if they are defeated, then the defence of Schrote is probably over! 

(Above) First and Third Nabstrian squadrons advance. Suddenly, fire breaks out from the warehouse to the right! Four shots are directed against Third squadron. They all miss! From the house to the immediate right, a volley of female curses is hurled at the Nabstrians! Items are thrown against Third Squadron - two rolling pins; some stones; a hat; a retaining plunger; and a small but vicious dog. There is a hit; but no one is killed!

(Above) Then, an explosive volley issues from the town hall! Thirteen shots! Two hussars of Third Squadron fall to the ground dead! Will their morale holds? Yes! The charge commences ...


  1. Things are getting exciting!

  2. Thanks, Patrick! But don’t get your hopes up - Mittelheim will always find a way to disappoint.
