Thursday, 26 May 2022


The janissaries troop off. Then, there are shouts, accompanied by creaking, moaning sounds.
'Is that Radu pasha, my Bland Vizier?', quips Hospodar Casimir.
'Indeed not, great lord, whinging kill-joy though he is' replies General Taras Bulbous. 'See! Here approaches your artillery park!'
'Ah!' says Casimir approvingly. 'Sixty-pound siege mortars - for when you've absolutely got to kill ever single Mittelheimer in the room'.

This humble publication has already elaborated upon previous mortar-related disappointment. But the Zentan ordnance is artillery as it should be - massive and with a big hole at the end.

'It's not quite as numerous an artillery park as I had envisaged for my army', reflects the hospodar.
Bulbous nods. 'In that, my lord, we have forsaken some of the ponderous weight of traditional Ottoman armies, and replaced it with the goat-like agility of an irregular force less encumbered by the constraints of slow-moving cannon or a tactical doctrine that actually works'.
'I suppose that's fair enough', says Casimir reasonably. 'Experience seems to show that the main role of artillery is simply to add some dramatic smoke effects to the fighting'.
'This is so, my lord: although the pair of large balls in front of the left-hand artillery piece I think poses a potent challenge to the integrity of the Fenwickian army, should anyone  comment publicly upon them'.


  1. Hurrah! I can now view all the images enlarged. How did you manage it?

    Whopping great guns there - enough to frighten anyone off, I'd have thought. The one on the right looks just like Mons Meg. The text is, as ever, delightfully snide and amusing. ;-)



    1. Thanks David! It's a Eureka Miniatures mortar.

  2. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom ....
    Nice ordnance

  3. Thanks Tidders! I bought more, but it turns out the Zentan army list doesn't have the points for them!
