Saturday, 15 January 2022

A Legal Riposte!

Nabstrian lawyers have lodged a challenge to the established outcome of the campaign in Schrote, in particular rebutting criticism of the performance of their own troops (odd, given the official Nabstrian and Bachscuttel denials of the involvement in the conflict of any of their forces!)

In a statement from Nabstrian lawyers Grabbitt, Quicke, and Floggit, it was announced that: "As usual, the so called 'Umpire' has been entirely partial and has left out the bold and courageous ambush launched by von Pfanenstiel and his hussars. The Burggrave is deciding on what honours need to be showered on the the young von Pfanenstiel.

The 'Umpire' has also omitted to mention the fact that the Nabstrian artillery has been bolstered by an enterprising blacksmith who managed to heat and fire red hot cannon balls with considerable accuracy and no major accidents - that's got to be worth 'Artillery Academy' in anyone's books!

Nabstria views the raid as a complete success - the Bishop was rescued from the evil clutches of the Vulgarians - and Schrote has been thoroughly reconnoitred for the forthcoming full invasion. The religious schism that may follow will only be due to the Vulgarians - Bishop Baldwin remains the only true apostolic Bishop of Schrote. In the meantime, however, the Burggrave will be seeking the Pope's indulgence to confirm a new Bishopric on the Nabstrian town of Badelippestadt, home of the most odourful cheese in all of Gelderland - henceforth to be known as 'Stinking Bishop'.

The Vulgarians will find themselves left with the enormously fat, greedy, lazy and incompetent Emperor - who was never missing anyway. Their grocery bills are now going to be enormous".

No doubt Gelderland and Vulgaria will have a view on this latest development.

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