Friday, 17 January 2025

Schwimwehr, the Sixth!

General Furst Augustus Saxe-Peste is drinking brandy. Lots and lots of brandy. While this isn't likely to improve his powers of concentration, it does at least force him to interrupt his swearing and so breathe occasionally. The general's petulant profanity mixes references to swampy water features, the enemy general, bodily orifices, large spikey objects, and the sort of vigorous transit through narrow straits that might make the eyes of Magellan himself start to water.

(Above) With the Rotenburg infantry stymied in their advance, the Vulgarian cavalry are able to about face and redeploy beyond musket range. Suddenly, the pressure on the Vulgarian army is released.

(Below) Thwarted in his attempts to trap and destroy the enemy cavalry, Saxe-Peste orders his infantry to commence volley fire. Or at least, that's probably what he is trying to order, although his instructions to his troops do sound a lot like he is still keen that Rentall should take his marsh and investigate the extent to which it might fit in that place of the Dutchman's body which is currently resting upon his saddle.

Not that he is petulant or anything but the Furst makes it a priority to find ways in which Rentall can be punished for his marsh mischievousness. Suffused with swampy spite, Saxe-Peste finds just the thing, (Below) Suddenly, overwhelmed by the heat of the moment, one of the Vulgarian cavalry regiments gives a loud 'huzzah!' and charges forwards into the swamp and then into the Rotenburg infantry.

It is a brave move. And also, of course, immensely stupid. If cavalry were meant to charge through marshes, then they would have flippers instead of hands and gills instead of noses. Actually, some of the Vulgarians do have both of these given that in rural Vulgaria the term 'my wife and sister' doesn't always refer to two people. But still, this is a charge that will require some quite extraordinary luck if it is to succeed.

It is also a slightly controversial act. Captain Sebastian Wankrat, Furst Augustus' orderly, hurries to speak to the general. As he meets Saxe-Peste, the latter is standing in front of a fire. He has in front of him a book and he is ripping out each page, screwing it up, and then throwing it on the fire.
Wankrat salutes. 'Sir, is it the case that troops that have acted in the heat of battle can charge through difficult terrain?'
Saxe-Peste shrugs. 'Well, captain, they seem to have done so. I think that the restrictions only apply if they are in or behind cover'.
'Well, sir, we could check the rule book. Do you know where it is?'
'Nope', says the Furst, ripping out the last page of the volume in his hands and throwing it in the fire. 'No idea'.


  1. Now the Vulgarian cavalry charge has certainly changed things, a great read and can't wait to see what happens next!
