Tuesday 11 May 2021

Hunchmausen's Plan!

Czernázmije salutes. 'It's all done, sir', he says, laying out sheaves of paper on the table.
'Excellent', says the baron. 'Let's have it then. Gurglemeep'.
'It's Czernázmije', says Czernázmije. 'But I'm happy just to go with "colonel", sir'.
'"Colonel Sir"? No, that won't do at all', replies the baron. 'I'm in charge here. Now, crack on!'
Czernázmije clears his throat and begins instructing the assembled staff.

"The Mission

We must take our force into Schrote. We must, as a matter of priority, find the Emperor before the invading forces do, and get him to safety. We must also, as far as possible, repel the enemy invasion of Schrote, and protect the locals and their property. Repellent though they might be, the Schrote folk are still allies of Gelderland.

General Orders

1. To all troops - It is suspected that the beloved Emperor has been subject to a
heinous and underhand attack from agents acting for the disgusting Axis of Weasel
that is Bachscuttel and Nabstria. It is our sacred duty to ensure the safety of The
Emperor and the punishment of the malefactors. Promotions and reward await the
units that secure the Royal personage.

2. There is to be no looting of our Schrotal allies on pain of death. All extra
supplies are to be paid for and women unmolested (unless paid for). Looting is to be restricted to dead or captured enemy troops or baggage trains.

Orders - Gelderland Main Column

Immediate dispatch of message to Rimmer’s force via fresh carrier pigeon
as well as a messenger with more detailed orders. The older, tired carrier pigeon is to be rested, fed and prepared for its future mission of returning to Schrote to confirm receipt of message and ask for further news.

Message to Major (Bvt Col) Rimmer:
The Emperor and Realm of Gelderland are indebted to our Vulgarian allies for
assistance in repelling the repellent Bachscuttlers and Nabstrian ne’er-do-wells and
sending these blackguardly brigands scuttling back to their respective dunghills. I
would be grateful if you could take your forces with all due alacrity through North
East Schrote securing Schmallenhardt and Widenlau with an intention to rendezvous with my own forces at the city of Scrote itself.
I would recommend sending a suitably charming staff officer to make contact with the Lady Ingretta von Feltch at Hindergrun and beg her assistance in securing
intelligence regarding the military and political situation in Schrote.
My intention is to proceed North to Schrote via Hanau-Brancau, please keep me informed of your progress, I shall do likewise.
I remain, sir, at your service,
Freiherr von Hünchmausen

Order of March

Vanguard - Hussar Regt. Schmetterling (Major Zchtiffi)
Three squadrons to be patrolling line of march and flanks whilst remaining squadron rests/acts as reserve at head of main march column before rotating into patrolling left flank, the replaced squadron moves to take over scouting patrol at the head of the force and so on. Lead squadron patrols between a mile and two miles ahead. Flank patrols up to a mile along line of march. Whilst aggressive patrolling is generally applauded, patrolling squadrons should remember their main duty is to warn the main column of the presence of enemy forces and not to become drawn into protracted fights. Isolated enemy scouts and messengers would make welcome prisoners but not at the cost of losing the eyes and ears of the army.

Main Column - (Baron von Hünchmausen)

Head of Column - Jäger Regt. Frettchen (Major Enzerdinsz)
Detachments of 1st Company patrol up to half a mile ahead of the column and liaise with Hussar patrols. Rotate with remaining platoons of 1st Company. Swap rôle with 2nd Company on a daily basis. Remaining company in march column.


Colonel Senf, 1st Battalion Regiment Ostmarck
Also tasked with protecting the supply wagons on the march

Supply Wagons

Mobile reserve.
2 squadrons Giftschlange Dragoon Regt (Major Mayer)

The column to form up (as above) whilst the baron writes messages to Rimmer and Lady Ingretta and sends the messenger on his way on the road to Schuttorf, Ehrwig, Flumpe’s Stump and Schmallenhardt with the instruction to find Rimmer there or at Widenlau before heading to Hindergran Manor.

8am. Main column to head for Schuttorf then to proceed to Hanau-Brancau then,depending on information regarding enemy dispositions, to Schrote. Patrols are to encourage Schrote’s citizens to look out for Bachscuttle or Nabstrian patrols with rewards offered for information and for prisoners. Locals along route of march urged to head for Hanau-Brancau to form a local militia to protect the area from Bachscuttle/Nabstrian depredations. The note to Rimmer essentially repeats the
orders sent by carrier pigeon, just in case Speckled Jim gets eaten".

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