With his Albanians out of command (below, far right), that portion of the Zentan line must descend into inactivity. Instead, Bulbous decides to focus his efforts against the highland regiment just in front of the woods (below, left).
Being in the main a tale of heroic encounters during the late wars in Mittelheim
Friday, 27 October 2023
Groeninghumpe, the Eighth!
Wednesday, 25 October 2023
Groeninghumpe, the Seventh!
The Wurstburp troops charge in, four regiments forward. One highland regiment advances to dislodge the Zentan infantry in the woods to their front (below, left); two more units of highlanders and one of regulars also attempt to close with the enemy.
Sunday, 22 October 2023
Groeninghumpe, the Sixth!
The tone of the battle suddenly changes! Sure, a battle is all laughs when you're shooting at an enemy at long range so that they cannot reply. But when it looks like they might actually reach you and force you into dangerous activities like fighting, then war doesn't seem quite so clever. (Below) The Wurstburp infantry close with the Zentans.
The wily General Bulbous knows that his troops have one key weakness: they aren't any good at anything at all. On that basis, the Zentans decide that discretion is the better part of valour: in the Zentan case, much the larger part; and actually also that kind of "discretion" that is functionally identical to congenital cowardice. (Below) The irregulars fall back as far as they can in the face of the advancing Wursburp troops.
(Below) On the other side, however, their light cavalry presses closer to the Wurstburp horse. The Wurstburpers might have a vulnerable flank. There is much discussion of a mathematical nature about angles, table sizes, wheeling radii and whether one might forfeit the battle by punching one's adversary in the face for being a supreme court rules lawyer.
Back on the other side of the battlefield, light on their feet in a retreat though they might be, it would seem that the Zentan infantry are still within reach of the Wurstburpers if the latter continue to advance. (Below) Being irregulars, the Zentans have the option, if contacted, to try and evade. Should Unpronunski send his troops in anyway?
Friday, 20 October 2023
Groeninghumpe, the Fifth!
(Above) The Wurstburp cavalry fall back into their new position, covering their own flanks and those of their infantry. (Below) Keen to maintain the pressure on Unpronunski's right, the Zentan irregular cavalry gingerly follow up. Nothing too dramatic, mind: they move just close enough to their adversaries that their smell will continue to unsettle the enemy horses.
Sunday, 1 October 2023
Groeninghumpe, the Fourth!
The Zentan irregulars continue to inch forwards. The Wurstburp artillery fire but, who would have guessed?, they fail to inflict any telling damage upon their advancing adversaries. The loss of a few limbs or even heads is unlikely to stop troops for whom speed, dexterity, or the capacity for logical thought are merely 'nice to haves'.