Being in the main a tale of heroic encounters during the late wars in Mittelheim
Sunday, 31 January 2021
Northwest Schrote!
Saturday, 30 January 2021
Northeast Schrote!
Friday, 29 January 2021
Southeast Schrote!

Sunday, 24 January 2021
Shear Nonsense!
'Not really - I'd like to say what a pleasure it is to see you; but I can't - because it isn't'.
'Why ever not?' replies the inquisitor jauntily. 'I thought that we were getting on famously! We have so much in common, I think!'
'Tush and fie, my fine fellow. What reason is there to be so gloomy? You are being very well rewarded, and the chances of you being caught are very small. Or at least not large'. He pauses. 'Not appreciably large'.
'No', replies Brother Michael cheerily, 'I don't think so'.
'But I'll tell them everything!'
The inquisitor waggles a finger. He then rummages alarmingly in his cassock before bringing out an instrument that seems to be a small pair of shears. 'Ah, now that would require that you could speak - which, of course, would require that you still had a tongue'. Michael snips the shears vigorously.
Michael gestures to the bishop's fingers and then redoubles his snipping. 'An activity, bishop, that would require fingers. These instruments are really quite versatile!'
'In any case', continues Michael, 'I'm here just to give you the final details, so that you can do your bit. Now, the emperor will arrive three days before the coronation with a company of his guard'.
'Three days?' gulps Baldwin incredulously. 'What will he do for three days?'
'Well, you could show him the sights, perhaps?'
'And the other two days and 23 hours?'
'Well, he likes hunting: perhaps that would occupy him? Have you any prey that is easy to catch and that you wouldn't miss?'
'There's some of the old townsfolk ...'
'No, I mean wild animals that perhaps are a nuisance to farm stock?'
'That's still the old folk ...'
'You can't hunt old people; this is Mittelheim, not the middle ages'.
'Some would see the two more or less as synonymous ... Anyway, you are an inquistor - you burn people!'
'For their own good - it's completely different. Look, he'll be coming, and then you'll implement your plan!'
Baldwin sighs in defeat. 'Yes, yes - it's all in hand. Trust me, no one will know what has happened to him'.
'Excellent', says Michael. 'So, you will secretly drug the emperor and spirit him away to a secret location where he will be picked up by the forces of Bachscuttel and Nabstria, which even now are assembling in secret, poised to invade!'
'Poised?' enquires Baldwin dismissively. 'Are any of the military forces of Mittelheim every likely to be "poised"?'
'Well, "slouched" then - but the point is, all they'll need is your information on where it is that you will have stashed the emperor!'
'Yes, yes. I'll let you know the destination when the deed is done. Here is a map of Schrote'.
'What! It's tiny! Who chose this font? How am I supposed to read this - paste it to the back of my eyelids!'
'It's a map of Schrote', says the bishop wearily. 'Does it really matter what's on it?'
Tuesday, 19 January 2021
Map of the Bishopric of Schrote!
It is a fact well-known, dear reader, that no greater evening of roistering can begin than that which starts with a purse full of money, a Rotenburg jellied seagull, and a map of Schrote. The map can then be used to wrap the seagull in, which can then be responsibly disposed of, freeing both hands for the purposes of getting wildly hammered at any hostelry of one's choice. Certainly, the very last use to which a map of Schrote would generally be put would be to find one's way either to or around Schrote itself. No gentlemen in reasonable possession of his faculties would have so strong an intent to go to Schrote that he would need a map; and anyone already there probably couldn't read the map; or read at all, for that matter. Still, it's Friday night, so here's your map of Schrote - you'll have to provide your own cash and seagull.